Wednesday, May 15, 2013


i fucking hate my parents
God my laptops broken and they wont get me a new one nd i have like 3 bs nd i cant do anything
i cannot tolerate bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want like straight as
how am i going to get that without my laptops (im using my DADs laptop now!)
i mean like wat the fuck is their problem? how can i surviv without a COMPUTER?
this fucking sucks!
im just angry all day long, i have to go to the library or school to like acess the internet!
this is unfuckingbelievable
and i jst read wat i just wrote...omg i swear a lot
but srsly my life sucks.,.....i miss my laptop!!!!

That was an email i sent my friend last week, and i thought i dont know how to be angry
but sometimes parents make me super angry
maybe thats why i didnt get my mom anything for mothers day this year -_-

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